Friday, 31 October 2014

After dinner with Gillian Custard

We have a little dessert with Gillian Custard, author of Adventure at Black Rock Mountain.

They say you must write for kids just like you write for adults, only better.
Gillian Custard's fresh adventure, Adventure at Black Rock Mansion, gives kids a wild holiday in the North of England, where a gloomy groundskeeper tries to make their lives very tricky indeed.
But the three brave kids work together to outwit their tormentor and get involved in an adventure far greater than they anticipated!

Gillian, is there much of a difference between writing for adults and children?
"I don't think so, at least for older kids. We always underestimate the sophistication of older kids, and we can't really bundle them into the same literary shelf as young kids.
I wrote Adventure at Black Rock Mansion for those kids that are outgrowing their picture books and who are ready for deeper, and scarier, stories."

How do you research a story for kids?
"My own kids are a wonderful inspiration. I have a fortunate circumstance of live-in consultants. They're both quite bookish and if an idea passes their scrutiny with out getting a frown or an 'Oh mom, that's so corny!' I know it will work for others."

Gillian Custard, we are looking forward to working with you on Adventure at Black Rock Mansion, and many other books!
"Thank you! I am very excited to be published. It's been my dream since I was in school."

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